Thursday, August 25, 2011

Renewable Energy – Energy for future

Global warming and its increasing effects have shed light on the many global environmental issues. Our planet's fragile ecosystem is under attack on many fronts as a result of industrialization and our growing transportation and infrastructures. Change is needed in order to avert catastrophe, adaptation and development of alternative energy sources is absolutely necessary. Although, renewable energy will take a long time to gain popularity due to economics associated with the use of conventional fossil fuels and associated traditional habits. Nevertheless, renewable energy is the answer to reducing the effects of climate change and help save environment.

Sources of Renewable Energy
The renewable energy sources include energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, and biogas/biomass. Some of RE technology adopted and implemented in the state are:

Solar energy is the most abundant energy source on our planet but the world currently uses a negligible fraction of the totally available solar energy. Solar energy is environmentally friendly renewable source of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, harnessing solar energy doesn't result in harmful CO2 emissions. Our Sun is virtually unlimited source of energy that could (with the right technology) supply with ease our current as well as the future energy demand, for instance covering just 4% of the world's desert area with photovoltaics could supply all of the world's electricity.

People were using wind energy for more than 5000 years to propel sailboats and sailing ships. These days wind energy is mostly used to generate electricity by using wind turbines. Wind power is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sectors. Wind farms are no longer being built only on land but also offshore, and offshore wind energy could in years to come become dominant way of harnessing wind energy. Wind energy is environmentally friendly renewable energy source that does not contribute to climate change or air pollution. Over the years, wind power has also become more cost competitive, and is currently one of the few renewable energy sources that could actually compete with fossil fuels in terms of economics.

Hydropower is renewable energy source that has been used for many hundreds of years in form of waterwheels and mills. Hydropower is today the most important renewable energy source on global scale supplying around 20% of world's electricity. Hydropower is renewable energy source that doesn't pollute our planet with harmful greenhouse gas emissions like fossil fuels do. Hydropower plants have long lifespan, and relatively low maintenance costs since almost everything is automated. Hydropower also doesn't suffer from intermittency issue like wind and solar power do, and ensures constant supply of energy. Hydropower is also very efficient energy source.
As already mentioned above hydropower is the most important renewable energy source on global scale, accounting for approximately 20% of the world's electricity. Huge hydroelectric power plants can have negative impact on environment if not thoroughly planned and carefully constructed. Hydropower dam construction can change stream levels, flow patterns, temperature of the water, all of which can have very harmful effect on nearby wildlife.

Biomass belongs to renewable energy sources, and refers to biological material deriving from living, or recently living organisms such as wood, waste or biofuels. Biomass has many different forms, but most of these forms are different plant matter grown to generate electricity or produce heat. Biomass is abundant source of energy that can be found in almost every corner of the world. Biomass also helps decrease the CO2 emissions despite the fact that burning of the biomass does in fact release CO2 just like the burning of fossil fuels. Biomass because of its availability could be an excellent energy option for developing countries which would help them reduce the dependence on foreign fuel import and improve their energy security. Especially since it does not require highly advanced technologies.
Biomass is becoming increasingly popular energy source on global scale, with many countries opening new biomass facilities. Wood is still the most popular form of biomass on global level, though there are many ongoing researches that aim to find the adequate solutions to turn waste and garbage into useful form of energy.

Global Renewable Energy Development Trend
Mankind is using up energy resources of mother earth in a way no other animal has ever done. The largest contributions to current energy sources in the world come from oil (31%), coal (26%) and natural gas (19%). At the present rate of consumption, oil reserves will last for 40 years, gas reserves will last for 60 years, coal reserves will last for 125 years and uranium reserves will last for 1000 years.
Wind energy sector is the fastest growing renewable energy sector in the world. At the end of 2009, worldwide nameplate capacity of wind-powered generators was 159.2 gigawatts (GW), with 37.5 gigawatts (GW) of capacity added in 2009. The current estimates say that wind energy sector is likely to continue its tremendous growth, by growing 160% on global level over the next five years.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy
Advantages in use of natural and renewable energy sources:
1. The sun, wind, tides, and geothermal activity are all renewable.
2. After the initial cost of; solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy systems, the only cost to the consumer relates to any required maintenance. You could even sell excess electricity back to your national grid.
3. No more price rises from gas, energy or electricity companies. You could be fully carbon neutral, eliminating your dependency on the remaining reserves of fossil fuels.
4. Use as much or as little of the renewable electricity you're able to generate without feeling guilty for any wastage.
5. By switching to the use of renewable energy sources we're able to make the remaining oil, gas and coal supplies last longer.
6. Government grants may be available for some natural energy projects.

Disadvantages relating to the use of clean energy sources as an alternative to fossil fuels:
• The initial cost of renewable energy systems can be expensive.
• It can be very difficult to switch your current energy or power supply to the use of renewable energy, but you could get close with a realistic budget and the implementation of different renewable energy technologies such as a wind turbine and solar panel combination.

As the name already suggests renewable energy sources cannot be depleted like this as is the case with fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are limited, and therefore one day coal, oil, and natural gas will be depleted but the same scenario won't happen with renewable energy sources because Sun will continue to shine, wind will continue to blow, etc.

Renewable Energy Scenario in India
India today stands among the top five countries in the world in terms of renewable energy capacity. We have an installed base of over 15 GW, which is around 9% of India’s total power generation capacity and contributes over 3% in the electricity mix. Emphasis on the capacity to usher in energy access for all, including the most disadvantaged and the remotest of our habitations is the mandate for governments around the world for an inclusive development. In its decentralized or stand alone avatar, renewable energy is the most appropriate, scalable, and optimal solution for providing power to thousands of remote and hilly villages and hamlets. Providing energy access to be most disadvantaged and remote communities can become one the biggest drivers of inclusive growth.
The country have an installed capacity of 15,542 MW of grid connected renewable contributing 3.5% of electricity generated in the country. National Solar Mission established in November 2009 began the mainstreaming of renewable in India. Presently installed generation capacity of renewable energy is 13,730 MW from various sources which is approximately 8% of total installed capacity in the country and contributing to around 3% of total national electricity generation. The stupendous growth stimulates enhanced energy requirements.
The Government of India set an example as one of the few countries that created independent Ministry for renewable energy, the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) in the early 1980s. In line with the Central Government Policy renewable energy development agencies in state level are also created. As a follow-up action on the “Comprehensive Policy on Renewable Energy” announced by the government of Maharashtra State Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Pune have included the subject non-conventional energy sources in the syllabus of Std IX to Std XII.
An effective and far reaching awareness campaign about renewable energy is being organized to commemorate the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister, Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi as “Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas “ (RGAUD) on 20th August every year since 2004 all over the country. Public awareness programmes are organized on this day at the National, State and district levels through mass rallies, organizing essay, quiz, slogan writing and painting competitions and also debates, seminars and group discussions etc. on renewable energy. Children of several schools participate in these activities throughout the country. The objective of these activities is to create awareness on the use of new and renewable energy sources and their applications in daily life. The first national level function of RGAUD was organized at New Delhi in 2004. On this occasion a commemorative stamp was released by the then Prime Minister.

Development of Renewable Energy in the State
The department of New and Renewable Energy for the state came into existence since 2009. The Department of New and Renewable Energy has been exploring ways to help communities achieve energy security through the introduction and adoption of available renewable energy sources. Of late, about 90% of the energy requirements of the state are imported from other states. We may be considered as one of the most vulnerable state to possible effects due to climate changes. Adaptation is the need of the hour. The DNRE realising the need to emphasize on the importance of adaptive capacity and resilience to climate changes, leaving aside other economic benefits through the use of renewable, creation of awareness and sensitization of renewable energy sources and its coupled benefits is one of the major mission of the department.
The department is on the mission to provide clean technologies such as Solar Lanterns, Solar Water Heaters, Solar Home Lighting, Solar Power to the communities. The department has been planting biogas plants in all the districts of the state. Hydropower potential sites have been identified feasibility report has also been submitted to the government for execution in the near future. Wind logging stations in three districts have been setup for feasibility study of wind energy generation.

By making the switch to natural and renewable energy sources, you will be doing your part in helping to improve the quality of the environment and the air we breathe. Although many other issues need to be addressed, making the switch is a large step forward in the fight for a cleaner environment. With increasing evidence suggesting the burning of fossil fuels is contributing towards climate change, now is the time to switch to alternative means of generating energy.


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