Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Barack Obama cracks down on oil traders

Barack Obama pledged to put more "cops on the beat" to oversee the oil market, as he went on the offensive with a range of curbs to stop traders from driving the oil price higher.

The US cannot afford to let speculators artificially drive up the price of oil, the US President said on Tuesday, revealing plans to boost supervision of the market and tackle manipulation.

"Rising gas [petrol] prices means a rough ride for a lot of families," President Obama said. "It's like an additional tax that comes right out of your pocket."

The high oil price and its impact on consumers is underlining concerns about how the market is functioning and how much it is driven by speculation. Brent crude, London's benchmark oil, trades around $118 (£74) a barrel.

The measures from the White House, to be approved by Congress, include an "at least six-fold" increase in the number of staff who scrutinise the trading of oil futures contracts at US market watchdog the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

The Obama administration also wants the maximum penalties for manipulation in oil futures markets to rise tenfold, from $1m and 10 years in prison to $10m plus sentencing which reflects the "seriousness" of the misconduct.

Oil industry insiders said few could quibble with higher penalties for wrongdoers, but questioned a move to increase margins on trades, raising costs.

The White House wants the CFTC to have the authority to raise margin requirements in the oil futures markets to "prevent excessive speculation or manipulation".

Margin guidelines dictate how much money a trader has to deposit with an institution to back their market bets, so higher margins would hit all traders, not just those involved in illegal manipulation, and reduce trading activity.

The White House argues that if the CFTC has this power it could help to cut volatility in the market. Others said it could drain liquidity from the market and might risk an oil price collapse if "long" investors - those expecting the price to rise - are shut out.

"The danger is that they [the CFTC] think the oil market is going up on speculation and increase margin requirements and the market collapses," said Malcolm Graham-Wood, an analyst at VSA Capital. While this would be welcomed by the consumer, America's large oil and gas industry would be hit hard, he noted.

Simon Denham, chief executive of spreadbetting firm Capital Spreads, whose clients bet on movements in the oil market, said politicians and regulators have to take care "not to confuse speculation and manipulation".

The move on margins comes as regulators scrutinise the role played by the oil price reporting agencies, which help set benchmark prices, and whether this process is open to manipulation.

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